Many of us have come across the same age old question at least once: who or what do I want to be, and what do I want to do with my life?
I wanted to create this post to inspire the ones that struggle with these questions in their everyday lives.
Sometimes it can feel really daunting to pick what you want to do. We have all kinds of pressures surrounding us, both internal and external, telling us that whatever we want to do is a waste of time, and that we should be doing something more important with the limited time we have on this planet.
While it is difficult to let go of those feelings (if you’re experiencing them), don’t blame yourself too hard for feeling that way.
There is always hope, though.
Life is given to us without an inherent meaning. A beautiful yet terrifying paradox lays in front of us, where searching for it will only lead us to becoming more lost and confused.
It is okay to feel lost. You are not alone.
But if life has no inherent meaning, what can we do?
We create it.
Explore your desires
Give yourself time to experiment and try out the hobbies and interests you want to do.
Do you want to create music? Go for it! Your first melody might not be as beautiful as you imagined it in your head, but any time you spend creating songs will make the next one better.
Do you want to learn how to draw? That is wonderful!
You have a fan fiction in your mind that you’d like to write out and share to the world? Go write that, right now! If it feels silly or weird to do so, embrace that silliness, don’t be afraid of being weird!
All of the mentioned hobbies have one thing in common: they are difficult to do. You will struggle. You will always struggle with them from time to time.
And that’s completely okay. Struggling with a hobby you’re passionate about means that you are learning.
Time spent learning is never wasted
Now, for some backstory about myself:
I am 28 years old as of writing this post. I have a full time job in software development. I don’t have children, but I am in a relationship with the most wonderful woman I’ve ever met.
Sometimes I find myself putting away the hobbies I care about due to multiple reasons: lack of time, fear and trauma from past experiences, and feeling like the time I do spend on those hobbies is not worth it.
Many people will say that lack of time is bullshit, and I do agree with that, even if I am a bit of a hypocrite and use the same excuse myself. 15 minutes spent on a hobby is still better than no time spent at all.
Fear and trauma can (and will) get better over time, as long as you keep trying and learning. This is the one that I struggle with the most when it comes to drawing, but I really want to get better at managing those fears.
Feeling like spending time on your hobbies is not worth it? Nonsense! It is always worth it, no matter how silly or dumb it might seem like in your mind.
Tell the world your stories
What do I want to do with my life?
I want to draw, compose music, develop games, and explore the world around me. And I want to share those stories with you, in the form of this blog!
One of the things I would really like to do is create games with meaningful stories. I am afraid that I’d never be up for that task. Feeling that way is okay though, and I still want to give it a try despite my fears. Hopefully one day a game I’ve created reaches and inspires the hearts of many others.
I encourage you to do the same, to pick up on your hobbies and desires once more. I’m certain you’ll do great. ❤️
I hope I’ve made your day better by sharing these words.
We’ll see each other again in the next post! ✨